Gibbs Gardens

This Workshop is 4 Hours Long

This hands-on photographic workshop takes you to the magnificent 300-acre estate of Gibbs Garden

The gardens feature the Arbor Crest Manor and Japanese and Monet Water Lily gardens. It is set in a mature forest with 30 spring fed ponds, waterfalls, and bridge crossings, where the gardens blend masterful design with the harmony of nature.

The focus will be on flower and plant colors and arrangements, ISO's, apertures, shutter speeds, image stabilizers, and lens choices for better photographs in this idyllic setting.

You will also try your hand at creating beautiful hand-held shots including tips and tricks using bean bags and gorilla pods.  

These skills will translate well for those of you who travel and visit locations where tripods are prohibited.

Gibbs Garden is located in Ballground, Georgia - about an hour north of Atlanta. Directions will be provided at the time of registration.

More info

Location and meetup details will be provided upon registration.


What do I need for this workshop?

Students are asked to bring their cameras with a telephoto lens (longer lens).

Any questions? Contact us here!